Alabama Network Operators Group – ALANOG Hosts Its Inaugural Meeting community member ALANOG(Alabama Network Operators Group) recently held its inaugural event on September 25, 2023 at the conferencing facilities of Coosa Valley Technologies in Talladega, AL.  The entire ALANOG membership would like to thank both Coosa Valley Technologies and the Coosa Valley Electric Cooperative for both the generosity and hospitality they offered as hosts … Read more

AUBIX Datacenter Hosts NVIDIA-AAICE Based Regional AI/Deep Learning Training

The community member AUBix hosted its partner NVIDIA‘s Michael Matus, Sri Koundiyan, PhD and Dani DeVito for three days during the latest AAICE(Alabama AI Center of Excellence) AI Partner Training.  During this 4th installment of its NVIDIA based AI/Deep Learning training the focus was upon High Performance Computing delivered by AUBix, the only NVIDIA … Read more