AUBIX Datacenter Leads The Way In High-Tech Workforce Development

Many individuals and organizations throughout the region and the State of Alabama have much to say and to share about workforce development and how the region needs to be training up the next generation of talent,  Then there is Andrew Albrecht, CEO of the AUBIX Data Center in Auburn, AL who has been doing nothing but simply WALKING THE WALK while TALKING THE TALK!!

At the present time he and the team at AUBIX are “CRUSHING IT” on so many levels and in so many different areas but in the area of HIGH TECH WORKFORCE & TALENT DEVELOPMENT, one may argue that they have very few equals in the State of Alabama or in the entire Southeastern United States.

Consider taking a few moments to listen to the panel discussion/interview below where Andrew outlines how he and his team at AUBIX are “GROWING THE NEEDED TALENT” throughout the region right here in Central Alabama

Who are the next generation of data center professionals?

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