AUBIX Datacenter Hosts NVIDIA-AAICE Based Regional AI/Deep Learning Training

The community member AUBix hosted its partner NVIDIA‘s Michael Matus, Sri Koundiyan, PhD and Dani DeVito for three days during the latest AAICE(Alabama AI Center of Excellence) AI Partner Training.  During this 4th installment of its NVIDIA based AI/Deep Learning training the focus was upon High Performance Computing delivered by AUBix, the only NVIDIA Partner Data Center in the State of Alabama.  Through this latest effort AAICE is advancing education in deep learning and machine learning to advance academic research, build workforce development and drive economic development throughout the entire state.  AAICE hosted half day workshops with administrators, faculty, post doctorate and graduate students from VCOM(Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine), ASU(Alabama State University) and TU(Tuskegee University).  The results of this effort are already changing the digital landscape in our state by researchers choosing to move existing research workloads onto the AAICE Accelerated Compute Platform Powered by NVIDIA and scheduling follow up training for additional faculty/students at their respective institutions.

The final morning was wrapped up with a visit with Cynthia Crutchfield, CEO of Innovate Alabama during EDPA’s Coffee & Collisions hosted at the Lab on Dexter in Montgomery, AL. We are thankful to Innovate Alabama for recognizing AAICE as one of 16 EDOs(Economic Development Organizations) in the State of Alabama which opens up additional economic development opportunities through both the current and future AAICE based public/private partnerships.