Alabama Network Operators Group Hosts ALANOG-3 Meeting community member ALANOG(Alabama Network Operators Group) along with 50+ network engineers/operators/administrators from around the State of Alabama meet together on May 23, 2024 at the conferencing facilities of Central Alabama Electric Cooperative in Prattville, AL.  The entire ALANOG membership would like to thank both CoreLinc LLC and the Gresco for both the generosity and hospitality they offered by providing both breakfast and lunch for the event.

Network operators from across the entire State of Alabama were in attendance and had an opportunity to meet, network and discuss various ways in which each of them and their respective organizations could be of assistance to one another.

During our second event a series of informative workshop presentation were conducted where the morning speakers included

Details from each of the day’s presentations can be found below.

Presentation A – Our Story – Central Access Deployment and Management Debrief

Presentation B – Cybersecurity For Your Operational Technology (OT) Environment

Presentation C – Architecture & Technology Options to Scale Your Network 

Presentation D – The Alabama Fiber Network(AFN)

The next ALANOG meeting is currently scheduled to convene in September 2024.  Please visit the web-site for more details.