Jesup Wagon Project

Accessing The

Jesup “Cyber Wagon” Community Network(CN)

ssid: jesupwgn-wifi

preshared key/passphrase: b00k&rTwA$h


But Consider Perusing The Details Of Our Story…

Booker T Washington, George Washington Carver and Tuskegee Institute(now Tuskegee University) and their impact upon the world of agriculture in general and Southern farmers in particular all originated in a small central Alabama town known as Tuskegee, AL. A primary vehicle for the dissemination of research and development findings, educational information and training methodologies from the confines of this world renowned institution was the Tuskegee Institute tactically functional “Jesup Wagons”.  Through what is now Tuskegee University, Mr Morris K Jesup underwrote and funded the initial construction and acquisition of mules, rigging, and instructional materials.

The Jesup “Cyber Wagon” Project looks to put a modern day twist on the aforementioned concept where the primary purpose is to empower the historically economically disenfranchised and to rewrite the narrative around economically distressed communities many of whom were functionally and geographically destroyed by the construction, deployment and automotive travel rerouting of our nation’s interstate highway system. This project proposes addressing these and other societal needs through a digital/cyber revision of the “Jesup Wagon” Concept, namely, “Reimagining, rebuilding and enhancing a movement that the interstate highway system destroyed though the assets and tools of information super highway/Internet based Community Networks(CNs).”

You may be wondering “So What Is A Community Network(CN)?”

The Community Networks(CNs) that are established through the Jesup “Cyber Wagon” Project will be utilized to address the following

a) The need for more economically priced & technologically advanced Internet Service Offerings.  These services can allow for logistically convenient retail/shopping experiences (especially around food, dry goods, daily/weekly/monthly consumables) as well as for access to more of a variety of entertainment venues.

b) Lack of technologically based tools that encourage/promote civic and educational engagement (city council/county commissioner/BOE meetings attendance, open government, teachers, school admin, parent/guardian/student interactivity).  To learn more about this concept please read

Open Data & Open Government


c) Lack of platforms/vehicles for workforce development, ecommerce and streaming video content based entrepreneurial startup activities and very few accessibility to business development/startup training along with providing an readily available vehicle through which goods and services can be sold

d) Lack of a “living lab” training facility for “prospective” Community Network(CN) Operators and Information Technology Professionals(Data Science/Engineering/AI) to train and learn technical operating techniques, especially in the areas of customer support and information technology workforce development).  This effort is being explored in the spirit of Diane Nash, Shaw University and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) as a modern day technologically driven “Field Schools” Trainings where both Free Software & Open Source Software will be the core of the training and technology infrastructure deployment.  For more information and details around these concepts consider reading

Free Software Free Society 

The Open Source Way


If you would like to become a part of this movement please consider contacting us at [email protected].

Many special thanks to the Intel Corporation Internet Society and Connect Humanity for having underwritten our efforts thus far.


Accessing The

Jesup “Cyber Wagon” Community Network(CN)

ssid: jesupwgn-wifi

preshared key/passphrase: b00k&rTwA$h